Sister can you hear me?
Soul to soul, heart to heart
I rise upon your presence
Dancing in wild flowers
The pathway to enlightenment
The pathway coming back towards the light
The golden light within the rose
Stand, we are one.
We are rising as one embodied woman
United, still, indestructible
The richness of our infinite soul
Follow that path
Journey into the gardens
Mysterious yet distinct
Fruitful womb of destiny
Let it sing in the delight of remembrance
Gypsy, queen, witch, mistress of all creation
Listen to the silence
It is everything and nothing all at once
It is where life begins and ends
It is the portal to all eternity
Our soul, our light body, our very existence
Unite. In love.
In harmony.
In truth.
In magnificence.
Aww thank you so much Joey 💗
I flipp'n loved this.