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We highly recommend a Spiritual Health Check (RSR) 

prior to your BQH session.


**All first time clients must have a one hour zoom consult $99USD**


*Prices are subject to change without notice*

Prices are to be paid in USD unless paying via e-transfer for Canadian Clients

***Most POPULAR & Highly RECOMMENDED!***

Tandem BQH Session (3-6hrs) $450 USD / $610 CAD

Sessions are done online via Zoom.


In a Tandem session, Tena will facilitate both you and Karen going into trance together. These sessions are often very powerful as we find that having a support person with you eases any fear or anxiety you may have in connecting with your Higher Self. With Karen by your side, it allows you to feel the deep validation and resonance that is already within your soul. Plus, it's fun to have hypnosis buddy! And also allows for double the information to come forward.


As Divine Counterparts, Karen and Tena create a sacred healing energy of love and support for you to rest within. For those worried about connecting with your Higher Self, having a tandem allows you to participate, be present within the experience and empowers you to trust in your own inner knowing--which is the whole point of having a session in the first place. We recommend tandem over surrogate if you are able, can make the time and can speak for yourself. 



One-on-One BQH Session (3-6hrs) $450 USD

Sessions are done online via Zoom.


In a one-on-one BQH session with Tena, she will gently guide you into a relaxed and focused state of awareness where you can access your own inner wisdom and find the answers and healing that you need. Generally, you will explore one or more 'memories' that are relevant to your current life and the issues you are facing. These memories could be from a past life, parallel life, future life or just a metaphor for what you need to learn in this Now moment. 


Then, we will connect to your inner wisdom, Higher self or soul essence- the part of you that contains all the information and answers for all the lifetimes that you've lived. This part of you will explain to us why you saw those particular memories and how they relate to your life now. This part will also answer your questions, do a body scan to detect any problems and heal those issues. The session will end with a short debrief with instructions for the following days. 


The one-on-one is great for people who are easily able to relax and quiet their thoughts. People are seeing actual "lives" less and less and are more often focused on healing in their sessions so keep in mind that each session is unique because each individual is unique and it all depends on what your inner wisdom wants you to know.




Surrogate BQH Session (2-3 hrs) $350 USD / $475 CAD

Sessions are pre-recorded and sent via WeTransfer


A Surrogate BQH session is when someone fills in for the client. In this case, Karen will act as your surrogate. She will be guided into trance to connect with your Higher Self and have an experience conducive to answering your questions and bringing forward the necessary healing. These sessions can often be used for children, pets, people with disabilities who can't speak for themselves, the elderly or very ill. We've had amazing results with all of the above! 



In the Bubble Sessions w/ Karen $250 USD / $340 CAD

Bubble sessions are pre-recorded and sent via WeTransfer


Bubble Sessions are kind of like mini-BQH sessions. If you're curious about quantum healing but not quite ready to make the commitment in time, preparation, and energy to have a full session, then this is a great way to get your feet wet.


A short one-on-one journey with Tena is now available to people who are available and want to give BQH a try. Email for further information.


If you choose a Bubble with Karen: All you have to do is submit up to 5 questions for your Higher Self and Karen will go into trance to connect and answer those for you. We will also bring forward any healing that your Higher Self deems necessary. These sessions are about 30-40 minutes long and we will send you the recording within a week. It's that easy! Many clients have LOVED their Bubble sessions and were surprised at their depth and accuracy for the price.




Square Stage



Thank you so much Tena this experience has literally changed my life for the BEST!!

Square Stage



A fantastic experience and a real life-changer.

Square Stage



These short sessions are a gift for those that want to understand more about themselves and connect with their higher self.

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​© 2020-2024 - Quantum Healing with Tena & Karen

- Tena M. Dodds & Karen A. Baquiran - OSG

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